★ about me
【アイマスMAD】The Idolm@ster: Fun Fun Fu Frederica Remix ~! フレデリカアレンジ レイヴ編

(Juni)Chirou 17; he/she/they*; Mixed Afro-Eurasian; My friends call me gay

Cherry boy. I'm Chirou and I typically have nothing super funny to say about myself. I don't do anything besides play idol games, Dangan Ronpa, and Zero Escape, but I mainly talk about Ensemble Stars and Love Live. I'm super friendly, but also shy so if you ever want to talk go for it!

DFI You post a lot of gore; You are involved in/want to start petty drama (I'll break your kneecaps); You like gross things and talk about them a lot (ESPECIALLY mogeko)

NOTES I sometimes say nsfw things and swear, I'm not censoring myself for anyone. I can't always like tweets, but I'll try my best. I also am somewhat negative, but I try to be more positive here so I don't bother anyone.